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Community Living Services FAQ

Find the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about Community Living Services below. Can't find what you're looking for? Our member organizations will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

What kind of positions are available?

Work alongside of a person who is living in their own home or with a few others in a residential home setting. You may also work to provide support in and throughout the community as the person engages in daily living, activities and other interests that they have identified. You might also be working to help people identify and develop new skills and abilities that are important to them, like finding employment, shopping for nutritious food, or taking local transit.

Can I work part time?

In most communities, there are casual, part-time, and full-time positions available. In residential supports, shift work may provide the flexibility you are seeking when juggling family or school schedules.

What training and/or experience do I need?

Experience in a caring profession is always an asset. The good news is that most organizations can train on the job and provide opportunities to upskill your abilities as you work.

What opportunities are there for career development?

You can often work with a supervisor to try out different roles and opportunities within an organization, and you may choose to advance your career by becoming a supervisor.

Will I work alone or with a team?

Both options are available in Community Living and can vary throughout the day. You may work one-to-one supporting someone with a diverse ability, or you may work in a team, providing support to more that one person.

What kind of work setting can I expect?

Work settings may include supporting people at home or out in the community. That’s the nice thing about community living. Your work setting may be as diverse as the people you support.

Will I be a part of a union?

Just as the work is diverse, so are the agencies in your community. Some agencies are unionized, while others are not. There are also “hybrid” agencies that have both.

What kinds of disabilities do people have?

Supporting people in the Community Living Sector means supporting people who have a developmental disability, autism, or fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Some people may also have physical disabilities.