Learn more about our Member Organizations
Find out whether a career in Community Living could be right for you. Learn more about our amazing community and how we are working to bring social change across BC. Visit or contact our member organizations in your community to learn more about the work they do, the people they support, and their amazing staff members.
Quesnel Community Living Association
Regions Served: Northern
Website: https://www.qcla.ca
Careers Page: https://www.qcla.ca
Telephone: (250) 992-7774
Email Address: officemanager@qcla.ca
Rivercity Inclusion
Regions Served: North Vancouver Island
Website: https://rivercityinclusion.ca/
Careers Page: https://rivercityinclusion.ca/careers-rivercity-inclusion
Telephone: (250) 286-0391
Email Address: careers@rivercityinclusion.ca
Sea to Sky Community Services
Regions Served: Vancouver Coastal
Website: https://www.sscs.ca/
Careers Page: https://www.sscs.ca/job-postings/
Telephone: (604) 892-5796
Email Address: jobs@sscs.ca
Seabird Island Band
Regions Served: Fraser East
Website: https://www.seabirdisland.ca/
Careers Page: https://www.seabirdisland.ca/careers/
Telephone: (604) 796-2177
Email Address: careers@seabirdisland.ca
Shekinah Homes Society
Regions Served: South Vancouver Island
Website: https://www.shekinahhomes.org/
Careers Page: https://www.shekinahhomes.org/careers/
Telephone: (250) 595-1014
Email Address: admin@shekinahhomes.org
Shuswap Association for Community Living
Regions Served: Thompson/Okanagan
Website: https://shuswapacl.com/
Careers Page: https://shuswapacl.com/about-the-shuswap-association-for-community-living-sacl/careers/
Telephone: (250) 832-3885
Email Address: careers@shuswapacl.com
Sooke Family Resource Society
Regions Served: South Vancouver Island
Website: http://www.sfrs.ca/
Careers Page: https://www.sfrs.ca/about/join-our-team
Telephone: (250) 516-0489
Email Address: kconnors@sfrs.ca
Sources Community Resources Society
Regions Served: Fraser West, Fraser East
Website: https://www.sourcesbc.ca
Careers Page: https://www.sourcesbc.ca/careers/
Telephone: 604 531 6226
Email Address: cdiamond@sourcesbc.ca
South Peace Community Resources Society
Regions Served: Northern
Website: https://www.spcrs.ca/
Careers Page: https://www.spcrs.ca/careers
Telephone: (250) 782-9174
Email Address: humanresources@spcrs.ca
Spectrum Society for Community Living
Regions Served: Vancouver Coastal
Website: https://www.spectrumsociety.org/
Careers Page: https://sscl.sharevision.ca/public/Lists/Opportunities/PublicView.aspx
Telephone: (604) 323-1433
Email Address: personnel@spectrumsociety.org
Spectrum Synergy Inc OA Spectrum Home & Family Care
Regions Served: Kootenays (East and West)
Website: https://spectrumcares.ca/
Careers Page: https://spectrumcares.ca/careers-1
Telephone: (250) 265-3845
Email Address: employment@spectrumcares.ca
Strive Living Society
Regions Served: Vancouver Coastal, Fraser West, Fraser East, Thompson/Okanagan
Website: https://striveliving.ca/
Careers Page: https://striveliving.ca/get-involved/careers/
Telephone: (604) 936-9944
Email Address: careers@striveliving.ca
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Have comments or questions about our website? We are always happy to hear from you. Reach out to us at careers@bcceonetwork.ca and we will get back to you as soon as we can.